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13 Ağustos 2010 Cuma



Acacia (Acacia), leguminous plants in the family tree or shrub is usually always green leaves and thorny is the name evolved to breed. Particularly to Australia (300 species) grows spontaneously in the warm temperate and subtropical regions include 600 species. Features

Acacia (Acacia), usually all in the family Fabaceae green leaves and thorny tree or shrub is the name evolved to breed. Particularly to Australia (300 species) grows spontaneously in the warm temperate and subtropical regions include 600 species.
With very different styles of acacia flowers, usually yellow, sometimes white or red in color, ears or head in the form of rotund men's bodies are numerous and prominent. Podded fruit is. Leaves, in some plumose compounds, in some, especially in Australia, the majority of species that grow in the green stalk in the form of slides, which they greatly reduces perspiration. All of these features are in Heterophylla Acacia species are seen together. Many acacia species (in the first A.decurrens, A.dealbat, A.baileyana, A.longifolia) are grown as ornamental plants in gardens. "Kadıhindi" a matter of trying, China, and Birmanya'da A.catechunun of wood is prepared, by boiling in water. Sepele Kadıhindi in leather, fabric dyeing, and is used in medicine. Some species of acacia, in particular, and A.senegal A.arabica, the cells formed by the melting and among the public "gum arabic" which is known to give a gum. The acacia tannin-rich bark is used in leather. Acacias of Africa's Sahel and Sudan - some species grows in the Sahel region (A.albida and A.seyal) badıç of leaves and are eaten by ruminant animals. Two acacia species (A.sphaerocephala and A.fistula) ant communities is housing.


Orange, Citrus sinensis Citrus genus of a tree and its fruit defines `i. Citrus is a member of the family.

Orange, Citrus sinensis Citrus genus of a tree and its fruit defines `i. Citrus is a member of the family. Silk Road through Anatolia in the period came from the vicinity of commercial citrus üründü from India. Discovery of trade have changed the way the hope of the nose, the Asian continent by European colonial powers orange production has spread to the entire neighborhood Portakiz. Our language "from Portugal" in the sense of "Orange" as entered.

Citrus sinensis fruit of `, 'bitter / sour orange" Citrus aurantium is also known as `the fruit to separate the" sweet orange "is also called.

MeyveleriPortakal orange, a nutrient-rich and popular in all Mediterranean countries meyvedir.İspanya and grow oranges, but the homeland is China. Most consumed fruit in the world after apple [1] which is a source of acid orange askorbit important. Rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C as oranges, cold, colds and flu is exactly the. Usually be peeled himself up to the renewal of orange juice is consumed widely. Today, the Mediterranean and Aegean regions, nevertheless upbringing orange nectar and orange juice is consumed to produce fruit are imported from Spain and Portakizden. The reason for this state of the Spanish agriculture and agricultural technology with developing the highest amount of fluid is producing oranges. In its natural form as well as alcoholic and non alcoholic cocktails and fruit juices is used. The shell is filled with numerous vesicles in the fragrance, flavor for cough syrup, are used in sugar industry, the construction of içit refreshing essential oil is removed.
Flower Types »Forest Rose

Forest Rose

Permanent green-leaved or deciduous, ikbahar and early summer opening purple, yellow, red, pink, very beautiful colors, but with a well-structured, semi-laminar or flat flowers of various species and hybrids landscape applications so widely used.
Cool, moist places like. Big-leaf when the snugly, and prefers shade in sunny places like small-leaved and more. But grows well in shade but will not make a good flowering. South and west, the sun is warm and cared for them too. East looked to take advantage of the morning sun is preferred as it gives. Really do not need to shade the north aspect. Sunny and warm places of necessity in some aspect of the shadow should be sought. This issue is also proposed under tall trees. Directly under the sun rose the forest, or flowers in hot areas grow rapidly if they were solar. Late flowering, particularly those to protect against the sun as the afternoon part shade locations should be sought. Have shallow roots and they are susceptible to drought is the major reason. Shed deciduous species compared to the cold than non dayanıklıdırlar.Genellikle acid (pH 4.5-5.5) and damp soil like. Stagnant water is very sensitive even for a short time against the well-drained locations that can be planted. If a problem does not hold water drainage should be preferred over the high side.
There are no requirements to pruning. Late spring or summer, but a new crop of shoot tips increased flower production and plant kompaktlaşması fuller integration and can be provided. After the flowers fade away next year will be higher than for the bloom. Seeds, steel, pens and immersion vaccines are produced with.


Clover, large sections of one year, with some very short years, are herbaceous plants. The five-piece cup and petals white, pink or red flowers open in the state of the branches at the tip of başçık.

Legumes such as vetch and clover in the clover family, are also valuable fodder. Northern Hemisphere, especially in temperate regions and scattered astropik of these plants are classified in the genus Trifolium has more than 300 species. In fields, pastures and meadows of this species grows wild in Turkey is one of the natural distribution area.
Clover, large sections biryıllık, some of the perennial short, are herbaceous plants. Dish, and the corolla consists of five parts white, pink or red flowers at the tip of the branches in the opens into başçık. Those of other legumes such as fruit in the form of badıç this small, dry fruits are in one or more seeds. Some hairy, hairless, with some of the most prominent feature of this kind certainly leaves are compound, each made up of three leaflets. Indeed, the language of the clover is coming across the name "clover" or "clover", Latin for "three leaved" meaning the genus name (Trifolium) income. Rarely more than three (usually four) to those who are found carrying leaflets. Is believed to bring luck to people who find "four-leaf clover" is not actually true alfalfa, clover are. Because some types of clover among the people by mistake, "alfalfa" is called.
Like other members of the family, where the clover also improves efficiency by making the soil rich in nitrogen. That the root of the nitrogen-binding bacteria is able to help because the bacteria may benefit plants by keeping nitrogen in the air is converted to nitrate. Not only enriches the soil so the clover, as well as nutritious fodder for cattle and sheep grazing animals create.

Most Utilized Clover Types
Although many species of clover, but a small portion of them are economically valuable. Depending on needs and objectives of different types are used. For example, hybrid clover (Trifolium hybridum), meadow clover (Trifolium pratense) and white clover (Trifolium repens), known as the three species are cultivated as fodder crops. Both fresh and dried herbs which can be utilized as forage grasses or legumes is usually mixed in with some additional fodder is. Agriculture in many parts of the world as the common pasture of clover is grown only prompted biryıllık products. İkiyıllık first year of a plant leaf is, the next year after the flowers die. Also to be found in more than two years experience. Gene on hairy stems and leaves are covered with hair bears purplish red flowers. Badıç in the purple or yellow, has a single seed.
If a farmer for animal forage in three years or longer if you want to grow white clover will be preferred. Is a perennial plant that can yield years of this kind from the others creeping clover user body, small white or pinkish-white flowers and numerous small, yellow fruits that contain seeds are distinctive. Stem and leaves are hairless.
Hybrid clover leaves the body and hairy, is a kind of pink flowers. Is usually added to improve the soil.
Agricultural experts all over the world, farming is very important in terms of superior varieties of this plant has conducted intensive studies to develop. These efforts yield results, which were more abundant and nutritious varieties of animals grazing in meat, milk and wool are intended to increase efficiency. Covering breaking clover also a good nectar source for halanları fragrant flowers that are valuable in beekeeping.
Turkey is a country rich in clover species and the planting of forage crops is done.

Sunflower seeds (sunflower, sunflower)


* Oil, seeds and flowers are used.

* The flowers are yellow, and the length is 1 to 1.5 meters long.


* Cold-pressed sunflower oil is good for hardening of the arteries to vascular calcification.

* Seed obtained from disease rash ointment to treat wounds is good.

* Fresh from sunflower sunflower eldeedilen tuberculosis spirit is good. Lowers cholesterol ratio.

* Physical and mental fatigue resolves.

* The heart and nerve disease is good.


Other names: medical sage, plumbago ..

Latin Name: Salvia officinalis.

Plants: in the months of June-July of generally greenish blue, purple flowers in colors ranging from white, fragrant plants is approximately 50 cm tall. Grown as ornamentals in gardens.

Places to grow:
Central Europe and the Balkans, the Mediterranean region is found in the wild. Our country is grown in the garden. Rare wild species can be found in mediterranean coast. Sage contains the name of a large plant family, and only up to 80 different sage species are known in Anatolia.

History: Sage leaves are used in the treatment of old age since it is understood. Salvia plant's scientific name is already, to protect Latin salvere ie, to maintain the words come from. In the Middle Ages sage was considered as a panacea. The event will be even eksajere "Why kill a man in his garden sage is grown?" Even in the Latin maxim means a Figure-mıştır auricular. Still 10 and 17 yylarda can provide continuous use of the immortality of the way, even in the most exaggerated claims have been proposed. Ter used for cutting impact of TB patients were given for this purpose.

Usage: Sage leaves in the months of May-June, will be collected from plants already in bloom, clean and shaded by a ground dried. As can be guessed from its name dried leaves boiled in water to drink. In some regions as drinks are consumed. Sage 80 grams in 1 liter of water boiled.

Pages in: tannins, acid saponins, glycosides, volatile oils and bitter substances are carrying. Tips on essential oil, cineol, borneol, pinene materials are available.

Medical Effects: bitter taste because of the appetite, facilitates digestion and bowel gas fixes. It's the one indigestion. a pinch of sage, mint and a sprinkling of water three to put pinch of chamomile is boiled. Tadlandırılarak with molasses to drink during the day. Restorative materials is due to tannins and mild constipation. Only the tea leaves, urine and menstrual bleeding is removed, as well as the decline of the fetus in the womb, he lost his life easier. The volatile oil contains ingredients that refreshing, relaxing, soothing and antiseptic disinfectant that is. Therefore, in the mouth and throat inflammation, is used as a gargle for angina. (Sage is having great importance in this field.) Gargle for use as a teaspoon of dry leaves and half a cup of boiling water thrown into the water and vinegar can be used together. Mouthwash should be done as a warm and should be applied first in 2 hours. Again due to the external characteristics of the skin wound dressing can be made with sage. Obtained by steam distillation from the leaves of pure essential oil in high doses is a lethal poison. Fed honey mixed with extracts obtained from sage is in effect because of the bleeding vessel can be stopped shrinking. For this purpose the administered dose is usually 3 tsp. For diabetes blood sugar-lowering effects are mild. Sage type, prepared by adding relaxes the body and invigorate the baths
From Aydede time: 13:01 0 comments


Other names: Ar'ar, Ephel, Luniperus communis, Juniperus, Baie de Genevrier

Botanical Information: from Kozalaklılar, is a tree 2-5 feet tall. Leaves thin, long, sharp, and is fragrant. Fruit, black, bright cone shaped. These "seed juniper" also called. Collected in the months of November and December, and dried. There are many types.

Known Composition: Essence, glucose, sucrose, Juniper, Yune, borneol, terpineol, izoborneol, kamforu, sidrol, dipenten, a pinene, a-felandren, resinous substance, etc. various acids.

Özellilleri: diuretic / diuretic, sudofifik / sweaty, stomaşik / strengthening the stomach, antiseptic / disinfectant, expectorant to remove the pressure has influence.


The ointment is rubbed on the skin of the branches of the time, is good for skin diseases.

Thrush is a plant that sweaty is good for rheumatism and cold.

Lowers the amount of sugar in the blood.

Will relieve menstrual pain, white discharge in women cut down.

Will eliminate breath odor.

Is good for anemia.


Grated into the fruit vinegar with a cloth after you get put on hold and wait if the headache resolves.

Obtained by crushing fresh fruit very good cough syrup.

Branches of fresh tea is used to weaken.

Fresh blood for that first day yenilir.Sonra 4 juniper berries every day for 12 days, one will continue to increase. On the second day at the end of each unit by reducing the blood of 12 days if it continues to eat clean

How we should use: Lightly spoon of crushed fruit 400 g 1 shepherds. thrown into boiling water, the water is lowered from the fire. Age by two hour infusion 4 times a day before meals drink.

Influences of hand: the ban on kidney patients and pregnant women. Do not use more than six weeks
From Aydede time: 13:01 0 comments


Nettle, ballıbabagiller (Lamiaceae) plant species of the genus Lamium genus name given by.

Europe, Asia and North Africa, the spread of the species are all herbaceous plants. Today, except for a few species in temperate regions of the motherland natürülize has spread very quickly. One year and two annual herbaceous plants, seeds and stem from this development will spread quickly through the roots. Flowering, March-April-May to June depending on the type occurs in the months.

Morphological features
Circular or ovoid böbreksi spear leaf-leaf format and gear or sawtooth edges are rough.

4-14 flowers visible in the ring structure. Flower petals are similar. Brahteler are long, thin, early fall. Tüpsü-bell-bell-shaped calyx, or outer core 50-10 is well feathered. Neck slightly curved or smooth, we are in the form of five gears. Corolla purple-red or reddish, yellowish, dirty white, two-lipped, non-hairy surface.

Four male organs (stamens) are long haired and two in front. Başçık has two eyes and separated. Dashed edge is lobed ovary, glabrous or tümsekcikli, sometimes it is a membranous margin. Two slit style is almost equal.

Nettle grows in the fertile soil, and extremely resistant to cold. Flower color at low light intensity and planting period will play a determining role. For example purple and white flowers should be planted in spring should be light and high demand. Yellow flowering species should be planted in shady places, preferably in the fall. Production of seed or early spring is separated into sections.
From Aydede time: 12:59 0 comments


Linden (Tilia / Tilya), ıhlamurgiller (Tiliaceae) Tilia species of the genus name given to the tree species forming.

You can reach lengths of up to 20-30 meters. The size varies between 50-10 cm, usually heart-shaped leaves and crooked toothed edges and long handles. Pendulous bunches of flowers and a yellowish color has a characteristic odor. These flowers open very late (June-July) is like dried tea.

In many villages in the middle of lime was used in Europe. In the center is used as a meeting point. Also here is to exchange news, they point to show themselves. Beginning of May called dance festivals organized under the tree. Village courts set up along with them in general would be here again. Therefore, linden, linden court or court of the tree is also known as. Germanic and Slavic peoples in the linden tree is sacred.

Because of fragrant flowers and is grown as a shade tree. The white and light wood in joinery gives valuable. Linden bark is used in the fiber rope and coarse texture. Medical condition is used as flowers. Linden flower sedative, expectorant, and as urine donors are used in tea. Linden flower bath also has a soothing properties.
From Aydede time: 12:58 0 comments

BALLI the flowers

Sainfoin, with the passage of our country, especially in Central and Eastern Anatolia is a plant grown widely in the region. Sainfoin is resistant to cold and dry, arid other plants do not grow, grows well in limy soils. In areas where rainfall or frequent irrigation of vegetation by the roots and the root cause of diseases of the throat quickly becomes sparse. Calcareous and non-irrigated land is more productive than alfalfa. However, in terms of yield of alfalfa irrigated areas can not compete with. After a slow form of irrigated areas due to the development and yield of alfalfa is less than the format. Hay, alfalfa is so nutritious. Very high protein content and are rich in minerals. In contrast, animals sainfoin alfalfa hay does not bulge. Therefore sainfoin green grass can be fed to animals as requested.

Planting, maintenance and harvest operations:

According to the alfalfa seed sainfoin, although large, well-prepared and out kesekli soil can not easily germinate. Young seedlings grow slowly in October than they are in the fields of weeds can not thrive in a good way. Therefore, be added to the field of sainfoin should be encouraged to be well prepared. After the dwell time of the field soil surface thoroughly with various instruments to be crumbling. In October sainfoin 5-6 kg / ha of seed is sufficient. Very well prepared in the fields of this ratio can be a little more. In contrast, the field will be well prepared for planting or sowing of the seed rate should be increased in the former case. In contrast to the seed size is small because of the jaw sainfoin leaf planting depth of 1.5-2 cm should not exceed. Sainfoin warm winter days in our country in our coastal areas can be added in the months of October-November. Correspondingly harsh winters in our Central and Eastern Anatolia regions should be added in the spring. Sainfoin varieties were bred in our country is not one. Usually mixed seeds produced by farmers in planting is used. However, a study conducted, not improved varieties of indigenous populations in the nature of many foreign varieties were found to be more efficient. Of sainfoin cultivation is relatively easy. Normal grain sowing machines can be used for this purpose. The amount of seed per unit area rather than be taken as the setting for the sowing machine is also easy. For the production of wet grass during the interval 15-20 cm, 40-60 cm should be left in the upland. Sainfoin, especially in arid conditions respond very well against a type of fertilizer is not. Sainfoin cultivation in arid hence the 1-3 kg / ha of nitrogen, 5 kg / ha of phosphorus fertilizer is enough to give. Irrigated cultivation areas with 2-4 kg / ha of nitrogen, 50-10 kg / ha of phosphorus fertilizer should be given. In dry conditions, in the first planting of grass or plants can not develop seed products fortunes can be. In the spring of the second year the plants begin to grow rapidly. Gives a form every year in the arid sainfoin. In normal conditions, and a ton of sainfoin herbage harvested on time, or 250-350 kg / ha dry matter is taken. If the two forms in arid regions will be rainy year. 3-4 years experience in the arid sainfoin. In the second and third year will be the most abundant yield. Sainfoin grows sparsely in the fourth year. Most areas harvested irrigated sainfoin 2-3 times the average in every way to give a ton of green grass. A study of sainfoin without much loss in quality alfalfa can be harvested in the later period was determined. Therefore, 50-100% of the flowering period sainfoin are recommended in the evaluation. According to this study, sainfoin flowering in the arid conditions since the watered areas to be harvested in the full bloom period may be recommended.
From Aydede time: 12:57 0 comments

How Non nectar plants are fertilized?
Some plants, they can attract insects for nectar nectar in no case have to carry the colors of the flowers. Mediterranean climate, living together in the wooded area with purple bell flowers such as orchids, red Sefalanda plant creates a good example. Purple bell flowers secrete nectar as an attractant for bees, Red Sefalanda does not have features that will make this process. Every care is different from the ones that ensure that the offspring of two plants locally called "cut sheets" which are wild bees. Leaf cutting bees, while red bell flowers to be fertilized Sefalanda'yı also feel the need to fertilize. Although there is no nectar that bees pollinate a plant and this has attracted the attention of scientists have investigated the cause.

The answer to this question, "spectrophotometer," known as a research tool, has emerged as a result. Accordingly, the radiation wavelength of flowers in my hair, leaf cutting bees selected were found. That people with purple bell flowers, red hair Sefalanda'nın distinguish whether the wavelength of radiation, although they can see the flowers of different colors, you can not see wild bees. Color, pollen, nectar secretion is an important factor for users spread the bell flowers went to the bee, he sees the same color and adjacent non-red nectar, but also growing orchids Sefalanda allows fertilization. This orchid, bell flowers as a gift of our Lord and the "hidden similarity" will continue through the generations.
From Aydede time: 12:42 0 comments

ABOUT HONEY .. Handy Tips

All bee-bee species is the name of Turks. Turks in Anatolia for the first time are believed to start using the word bee.

According to Mahmud of Kashgar un understandable explanation Turks were saying initially oil, honey bees. Later, the western Turks (Oghuz, Kipchak, Suvarlar ,...) honey began to say. Bala Chinese Uighurs, Tokharca or mir mir mir, believed that was the origin of the name was used.

Anatolia has played an important role in feeding honey s is final. Çatalhöyük in the floral decorations on the walls were painted insects. Us that our days of 8-9 thousand years ago in Anatolian bees gather honey from flowers is known that show. Anatolian honey as they say they love the people, they use it as a compliment that. This indicates that the value of honey of Anatolian.

The Ottomans were removed from the many tax law took honey and bee hives. They also set up the first trade center of Istanbul by the Ottomans in the Egyptian market with a honey-trap was also among the Tahtakale. Where honey is weighed, taxed, go to the palace to be sold to public surplus would be distributed. (Kapan, jacket comes from Arabic. Outerwear means the scales).

Our ancestors used honey as a food rather than to protect against illness, cure, healing power and resistance in the period were considered as donors. Are forgotten by the presence of glucose, as was, though, value is understood to have started again to replace the old.

Honey who do not know when and how you found out. But the bee is about 30 million years and that since then with the same diligence to know you are honey. People knew of honey, collected in the province of Valencia in Spain indicate that the most ancient documents found in caves Bicorp has also Arana. Research, collect honey in the walls of the cave's 16 thousand years ago, the girl who made the picture shows. Today, as well as primitive tribes living in what they believe in the sanctity of the honey, they give an important place in religious ceremony would follow.

The Hittites, the Sumerians, Egyptians, Romans and Greeks, many of the old culture is using honey as a medicine, physicians have a reputation in history as the panacea that is seen as acceptable. Written in cuneiform Hittite in 4000 before the day of their land board knew we learn beekeeping. Sumerians and Hittites in plates of recipes using honey and other diseases are involved. Smith Papyrus also prepared with honey are faced with many prescriptions. The mouth of the pyramid not an airtight sealed jars of honey and queen bee Hepçesut s coat of arms have been found, evidence of the Egyptians was honey are great value. Honey is a powerful antidote to the Roman physicians believed. Egyptians, Romans, Greeks and Arab doctors have used honey for eye diseases.

Hippokrates air and water, and his wife are dear friends, all were used against diseases. Asklepiades, the mental and neurological diseases were used. Plinius, and many physicians Dioskorides alone against various diseases, herbal mix or syrup, used as they see the ointment.

Bala is also included in the religious books. Bible, Matthew 3.4 "to eat locusts and wild honey was of John," he has written. Koran, Sura 16 68, 69 "belly of the fish in various colors that bring healing to the people out" the Torah, the Jewish people from the streets of the country is committed to honey and milk flow.

The common name for several varieties of honey is honey. From studies of bee hives go away showed up to 10 km. This honey is very close to property and vegetation indicate tighter connection. Many beekeepers hives for honey from every direction rich changes in the location specified period. Especially in hot regions with a hot start of the plateau to the shells are removed.

Bal forest (pine) and flower honey is separated into two:

Or pine forest, pine varieties of honey bees by collecting a large portion of his calf.

The honey of flowers can be divided into two. The various flowers that honey bees by collecting a large amount of honey he collects from a particular flower. To be called a special flower honey honey honey, called in at least 45% of the plant in çiçektozundan is required. This spring, they were called probably indicates the characteristics of the plant health risks. This feature is directly proportional to the rate of plant pollen increases.

Mixed flower honey, general strengthening and enhancing the power of resistance, as well as astmaya, bronchitis, hay fever are also recommended against.

Special spring: Many name may be listed in the lower bottom. A few examples:

Linden honey: Nerve soothing, relieving insomnia, ... property and light is fragrant.

Mint, honey: the preventive intestinal gas, colic and solvent, the pancreas removed Builder, digestive, ... There are features. Are rich in essential oils.

Kuşdili honey: the healing of liver disease, digestive disorders have remedial properties.

Orange honey: Nerve sedative, cramps caused by solvent properties are used in nervous diseases.

Among special honey honey crazy in our country that everyone knows can be counted. Bitter astringent taste when eaten very little, this honey is good for nervous disorders, it is eaten, causes paralysis in central nervous system. Poisoning, nausea, vomiting, and it presents itself. The yellow flowers that bees Azelea pontica L. and red-flowered Rhodedonderon ponticum L. Why is self-collected plants.

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